So, i anxiously awaited the phone call from the nurse which finally came at 2:30. When I asked her how she was she said, "Great!" which I thought was a bit odd considering that I was in the middle of a miscarriage. Apparently I am not, but I still think someone screwed up on those numbers. She had me guess my hcg and I had no clue. It was 10, 268. (Yes, ten THOUSAND two hundred sixty-eight). I am still wondering if someone fucked up and added an 8 at the end. You seriously could have knocked me over with a feather. Now, I am still concerned that my TSH level has gone up to 5.58 and that my pregnancy symptoms just don't seem that bad. My boobs are just a tiny bit sore on the sides and my nipples might even be getting a little sore. I did have some supersonic smelling capability, but haven't been bothered by it the past few days. Other than that, I have lost weight due to the stress and not eating much. I am not really craving anything, but nothing really sounds good either. I had a bad headache last night and that is about it. I would actually like to be throwing up right now because it would honestly make me feel 100 times better. (Only an infertile would say that out loud).
Anyway, so that is my update. If there is actually something to be seen on ultrasound tomorrow, then I will go ahead and order some more intralipid to be given on Monday. I am not really a praying kind of person, but please, please, please, let my little bug stick.
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