Well, here I am. I have been talking about starting a blog for over a year now. It was actually originally going to be about living as an expat in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, but that just goes to show you that you should never really count on anything. My husband, a pilot who looks really great in his uniform, was furloughed/laid off from a job at a major airline last September due to the poor economy. This was, of course, perfect timing as we had just put money down on our first IVF and I was still recovering from major surgery done a few weeks before to remove 4 baseball-sized fibroids. On top of that, my month off from work was unpaid. Things did not get better as we found out on Christmas Eve Day that IVF #1 had failed. Go figure.
Now that you are still wondering why I was going to be writing about being an expat, I should tell you that after my husband was laid off, he was lucky enough to get an interview halfway across the world (literally) for an airline based in Abu Dhabi. It was a 4-day interview that 3 of 8 people survived and my husband was one of them. I was so proud!! We had started researching how we were were going to get the kitties (and myself!) to be comfortable on a 17+ hour flight and I was two weeks away from resigning from a job that I am very fortunate to have. That is when we found out that his opportunity at the new airline disappeared. Their growth plan fell through (kinda saw that coming, but was in denial) so they would no longer be needing him in Abu Dhabi.
It was a devastating blow, especially after coming off of our first failed IVF and finding out that a supposedly good friend was pregnant (I had to cut her off for reasons which will likely be explained in a later post...). After that, I kept thinking about starting my blog just to share my, at times hideous, feelings about the unfairness of infertility and of life in general. Now, I am well aware that I am very lucky in many respects (great husband, family, friends, well-educated, own a condo, good job, etc.), however I am also VERY well aware of the one area that I am not so lucky in and that it often seems that nobody understands.
I started reading some other blogs written by infertiles and I was so excited to find that most of them "get it." I say most of them only because I was reading a ridiculous one the other day in which this person whined about being infertile and yet she had gotten pregnant naturally within a year of trying. How is that infertile?? Anyway, I figured that since I can be brutally honest with my feelings, it may help someone else who is thinking the same things that I am. Either that, or I will end up winning an award for being the most bitter and bitchy infertile in blogland (assuming that someone will actually read this!).
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